Hey again,

I’m Sneha!

User Experience Designer | Architect | Artist

Here’s a sneak peek into my ongoing journey.

“Embrace the infinite evolution of design, where every detail tells its own story.”

As an experience designer and architect, I know how to work within design systems, thus knowing how to zoom in and out of the picture. What best describes my design ideology is that the design is in the details. I believe with design, paying attention to small details, and obsessively focusing on ‘what isn’t right’ can take a design from ‘nearly there’ to ‘there’ and beyond.

I love the idea of a malleable design, that could have many lives and mutations after built, or launched, and to be part of it while learning on the go. 

So far…

How did I get here?

The zest for creative vision, the innovation pursuit, and the continual journey to augment people’s lives through design solutions is what got me into architecture. What intrigued me about moving into the field of UX Design was that you aren’t designing for the anonymous, you craft for specific people and their needs.

I’ve completed my Masters of Science in Information Studies (with a concentration in HCI) from the University of Texas at Austin.

Life at UT Austin

Outside of pursuing my graduate degree at the School of Information, I was actively involved in organizations at UT Austin to foster growth, learn from and support the community

  • We are a student organization that helps students learn more about the field of UX by broadening their academic knowledge through real-world applications & connections. 

    We provide learning resources, conduct speaker & networking events and mentorship opportunities to understand the vast field of UX.

    As co-officer and Design Director, my role entails management of the design team, which includes developing the website, setting branding guidelines, working on social & print media content.

    I was also Branding lead for UXPA UT Austin’s Designathon Event in 2023, the first of its kind.

  • Actively involved in developing the undergrad curriculum for the Information Studies Program at UT Austin, collaborated with current undergrad students, iSchool Faculty and Curriculum Director

  • Active part of the University’s Swim Team, attended bi-weekly training sessions

I’m fueled by coffee....
and more coffee.

In my free time, you would find me baking anything sweet, binge-watching TV shows or watching sunsets by the beach.

Fourteen years of rigorous training as a competitive swimmer has taught me to manage time effectively and the importance of teamwork - that you are a part of something bigger than yourself.

Love to be in this space of constantly experimenting.

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